Below is a VB Script program that will take an 835 file and split it into separate files, one for each NPI.
Note: This script splits the 835 file by the “Payee” identifier. Forefront also has software to split 835 files by Service Date, Provider Identifier (i.e., Service Provider / Place of Service identifier), Service Provider / Rendering Provider Identifier, Claim Identifier, and other fields. Splitting by Service Date or Claim Identifier can be used for EHR migration to split files for your current and legacy EHRs. Please contact us at for more information.
You can highlight the program below, copy it, paste it into notepad and then save the file as "835split.vbs", or you can use this link to access the program as a text file 835split.vbs.txt.
To run the program you can drag and drop an 835 file onto the saved script file. You can also call it from a batch script for processing a group of files.
You are free to use this program for your own use as long as you keep the written by notice and website link in the script.
Related Articles:
' This program splits an 835 by NPI
' e.g., cscript 835Split.vbs file
' or drag and drop a file onto this script
' Originally written by Forefront Technologies.
' Define variables and constants
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
Const TristateFalse = 0
dim myApp
myApp = mid(wscript.scriptname,1,len(wscript.scriptname)-len(".vbs"))
dim delimEOL
dim delimSubFld
dim delimFld
dim ISAptr
dim IEAptr
dim STptr
dim SEptr
dim lastISAptr
dim lastSTptr
dim ISAWritten
dim filePath
dim fileName
dim fso
dim ifo
dim its
dim ots
dim inpFile
dim inpLine
dim ii
dim tmpStr
dim tmpArray
dim npiList
dim npi
dim npiCtr
' Start of processing
on error goto 0
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then
wscript.echo "You must specify the file to process"
WScript.quit 1
inpFile = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
end if
logit myApp & " start"
logit "Processing """ & inpFile & """"
' Parse out the file path and name
ii = instrrev(inpFile,"\")
filePath = mid(inpFile,1,ii)
fileName = mid(inpFile,ii+1)
' Open the input file and read it in.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set ifo = fso.GetFile(inpFile)
set its = ifo.OpenAsTextStream(ForReading, TristateFalse)
inpLine = its.Read(ifo.Size)
' Pull out the delimitors from their fixed position in the first line.
delimEOL = mid(inpLine,106,1)
delimSubFld = mid(inpLine,105,1)
delimFld = mid(inpLine,104,1)
' Drop all the line feeds and carrige returns (if there are any)
' then split the lines into an array of lines.
inpLine = Replace(inpLine,vbLf,"")
inpLine = Replace(inpLine,vbCr,"")
inpLine = split(inpLine,delimEOL)
' Get the list of NPIs from the file.
npiList = ""
for ii = 0 to ubound(inpLine)
if ucase(mid(inpLine(ii),1,6)) = "N1" & delimFld & "PE" & delimFld then
tmpArray = split(inpLine(ii),delimFld)
tmpStr = tmpArray(4)
if instr(npiList,tmpStr) = 0 then
npiList = npiList & delimFld & tmpStr
end if
end if
' Split the list of NPIs into an array of NPIs.
logit npiList
npi = split(mid(npiList,2),delimFld)
npiCtr = split(mid(npiList,2),delimFld)
for ii = 0 to ubound(npiCtr)
npiCtr(ii) = 0
' Create a file for each NPI and split its data out into its own file.
for ii = 0 to ubound(npi)
Set ots = fso.CreateTextFile(filePath & npi(ii) & ".tmp",true,false)
splitOut npi(ii), npiCtr(ii)
' Rename all the files to their final names.
for ii = 0 to ubound(npi)
fso.movefile filePath & npi(ii) & ".tmp", filePath & npi(ii) & "_" & fileName & ".txt"
fso.movefile inpFile, inpFile & ".split"
' All done.
set its = Nothing
set ots = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
logit myApp & " end"
function splitOut(npi,npiCtr)
' This function splits out the data for a specific NPI and write it to the output file.
dim ii
dim tmpArray
lastISAptr = -1
' Do this for each ISA/IEA pair in the file.
do while getISA(inpLine,ISAptr,IEAptr,lastISAptr)
ISAWritten = false
lastSTptr = ISAptr
' Do this for each ST/SE pair in this ISA/IEA pair.
do while getST(inpLine,IEAptr,STptr,SEptr,lastSTptr)
' If this ST/SE pair is for the NPI we're working on
' then write it to the output file.
if forNPI(npi,inpLine,STptr,SEptr) then
npiCtr = npiCtr + 1
if not ISAWritten then
for ii = ISAptr to ISAptr+1
writeLine npiCtr, inpLine(ii)
ISAWritten = true
end if
for ii = STptr to SEptr
writeLine npiCtr, inpLine(ii)
end if
if ISAWritten then
for ii = IEAptr-1 to IEAptr
writeLine npiCtr, inpLine(ii)
end if
if ISAWritten then
for ii = SEptr+1 to IEAptr
writeLine npiCtr, inpLine(ii)
end if
end function
function writeLine(npiCtr, outLine)
' This function writes a line to the output file
' with the end of line terminator on the end.
' If the line we're writing is the GE line,
' update the number of code sets before writing it
dim tmpArray
dim tmpStr
if mid(ucase(outLine),1,3) = "GE" & delimFld then
tmpArray = split(outLine,delimFld)
tmpArray(1) = npiCtr
tmpStr = join(tmpArray,delimFld)
ots.WriteLine tmpStr & delimEOL
ots.WriteLine trim(outLine) & delimEOL
end if
end function
function getISA(inpLine,ISAptr,IEAptr,lastISAptr)
' This function looks through the input lines starting from where we last left off
' looking for the next ISA/IEA pair and returns pointers to them.
dim ii
ISAptr = -1
IEAptr = -1
getISA = false
do while lastISAptr < ubound(inpLine)
lastISAptr = lastISAptr + 1
if ucase(mid(trim(inpLine(lastISAptr)),1,4)) = "ISA" & delimFld then
ISAptr = lastISAptr
elseif ucase(mid(trim(inpLine(lastISAptr)),1,4)) = "IEA" & delimFld then
IEAptr = lastISAptr
exit do
end if
if ISAptr > -1 and IEAptr > -1 then
getISA = true
end if
end function
function getST(inpLine,IEAptr,STptr,SEptr,lastSTptr)
' This function looks through the input lines starting from where we last left off
' looking for the next ST/SE pair and returns pointers to them.
dim ii
STptr = -1
SEptr = -1
getST = false
do while lastSTptr <= IEAptr
lastSTptr = lastSTptr + 1
if ucase(mid(trim(inpLine(lastSTptr)),1,3)) = "ST" & delimFld then
STptr = lastSTptr
elseif ucase(mid(trim(inpLine(lastSTptr)),1,3)) = "SE" & delimFld then
SEptr = lastSTptr
exit do
end if
if STptr > -1 and SEptr > -1 then
getST = true
end if
end function
function forNPI(npi,inpLine,ISAptr,IEAptr)
' This function looks throught the lines of the current ST/SE pair
' and checks if it is for the current NPI we're working on.
dim ii
dim tmpArray
for ii = ISAptr to IEAptr
if ucase(mid(inpLine(ii),1,6)) = "N1" & delimFld & "PE" & delimFld then
tmpArray = split(trim(inpLine(ii)),delimFld)
if tmpArray(4) = npi then
forNPI = true
forNPI = false
end if
exit function
end if
forNPI = false
end function
function logit(Msg)
wscript.echo mySQLDate(Date) & " " & mySQLTime(Time) & ": " & Msg
end function
function mySQLDate(iDate)
if iDate > "" then
mySQLDate = year(iDate) & "-" & right("0" & month(iDate),2) & "-" & right("0" & day(iDate),2)
end if
end function
function mySQLTime(iTime)
on error resume next
mySQLTime = ""
if ucase(trim(iTime)) = "AM" or ucase(trim(iTime)) = "PM" then
mySQLTime = ""
elseif trim(iTime) > "" then
if instr(ucase(iTime),"AM") then
if hour(iTime) < 13 then
mySQLTime = right("0" & hour(iTime),2) & ":" & right("0" & minute(iTime),2) & ":" & right("0" & second(iTime),2)
mySQLTime = right("0" & (hour(iTime) mod 12),2) & ":" & right("0" & minute(iTime),2) & ":" & right("0" & second(iTime),2)
end if
elseif instr(ucase(iTime),"PM") then
mySQLTime = right("0" & (12+(hour(iTime) mod 12)),2) & ":" & right("0" & minute(iTime),2) & ":" & right("0" & second(iTime),2)
mySQLTime = right("0" & hour(iTime),2) & ":" & right("0" & minute(iTime),2) & ":" & right("0" & second(iTime),2)
end if
end if
on error goto 0
end function